Carbon Capture Day event at Mooney’s Bay on Friday, Aug. 25, 11:00am,
feature environmental household solutions in addition to trivia games and free houseplants.(OTTAWA) Ottawa’s
Carbon Capture Day event will be held on Friday, August 25 at Mooney’s
Bay Park, next to the children’s play structure, at 2960 Riverside Drive. The event starts at 11:00 a.m. and continues until approximately 1:00 p.m.
The program is suitable for all ages and children are particularly welcome.
Highlight of the event, will be an invited guest speaker, Kate Veinot, who will share with us the benefits of community gardens and the ways we can all work to strengthen our food resilience across the city. By popular demand, the ‘And Your Choice Answer Is’ trivia game with Bridgehead vouchers and houseplants for the winners will be returning in 2023.
Musician/singer Chairman George will start the event with song and prayer, followed by presentations by local environmentalists.
Presenters include:
Kate Veinot, Community Gardening Network Coordinator at Just Food who will share with us how community gardens benefit us and how the city of Ottawa views the residential right of way.
Paul of Grazing Days farm will share with us the importance of Community Shared Agriculture
(CSA) and his farm’s eco-friendly best practices.
Paul Johanis, Greenspace Alliance of Canada’s Capital, will share recent urban green successes.
Carbon Capture Day is a research organization that creates pro-active events to promote greening up the urban landscape. across the planet adopt August 25th as a day to plant and grow vegetation throughout their locality.
“Catch the Heat, Care for Humanity”
Carol Gravelle
Event organizer
email –
As requested by Sherri Kelly